Written by admin |
Saturday, 23 September 2023 11:29 |
“THIS IS MY HOME, I CARE, I WANT TO MAKE IT BETTER” [In memory of our Brother Haris Ibrahim – the Human Being, the Activist & his Message]
“Malaysia…..forever be an independent and sovereign democratic State founded upon liberty and justice, ever seeking to defend and uphold peace and harmony among its people and to perpetuate peace among nations.” { Malaysia proclamation read by the Prime Minister, YM Tunku Abdul Rahman, at the Merdeka Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, 16th September 1963}
Has the Tunku’s Declaration GONE AWRY….???
Come on People, We are better than this! Stop the ranting, raving and the zero-sum games. Don’t get trapped in the politicians’ narratives! Show them we will not be distracted by their devious ways.
We need rational national conversations, On the key challenges facing our Nation in the 21st Century. And we the People will not be distracted by the political circus! We can and will transcend our primordial instincts, Rise above the social constructs, To focus on the real issues. - Poverty, Social Inclusion, Health, Education, Climate Change….
This is the time to decide the Nation we want to be… - Inclusive and Humanistic. We can rise to show the World, That Malaysia is the Exemplar, Not the basket case the politicians want her to be!
This is the third decade of the 21st Century.. We must first un-learn the baggage of the 20th, And charter a whole new chapter for our Nation, Especially for the sake of our Children, And theirs.
Let’s make this 61st Year a truly meaningful one for All. “THIS IS MY HOME, I CARE, I WANT TO MAKE IT BETTER” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7Ha2K_AKYo&t=4s
Selamat Hari Malaysia ke-60….
23 September 23 |
Last Updated on Saturday, 23 September 2023 11:56 |