Projek SAMA |
Sunday, 21 April 2024 11:25 |
Projek SAMA Launched, 20 April 2024Stabilty & Accountability for Malaysia
Given the political developments in our Nation, the easiest (& laziest) options are to be a cynic, a pundit, an arm-chair critic. Many things to criticise and castigate but alas no constructive solutions! The toughest thing to do is stay above the fray of identity politics, understand the dynamics of our Society and to provide constructive solutions to move the Nation forward. This requires hardwork, commitment and most of all the undying passion to make positive contributions. Projek SAMA is one such noble initiative that deserves our support. In more ways than one Projek SAMA's Vision - " A Malaysia in which political competition is driven by policy, competence and integrity, and not ethnicity, religion and language"- resonates with our SABM Charter launched in 2009. SABMers wish the good folks at Projek SAMA - " All the Very Best" in their mission to advance and promote political stability and accountability through institutional reforms. For details on the Projek, pls go to link below:-
Last Updated on Sunday, 21 April 2024 21:37 |