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Kampung Compass Points Current Affairs Ku Li-Kit dialogue on Twitter
Ku Li-Kit dialogue on Twitter PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 23 February 2010 19:02

kuli-lksTwitter created a stir in the local community this afternoon when two veteran politicians from both sides of the divide took off on a spontaneous discussion covering a number of topics - oil, kalimah Allah, Tunku's legacay and the state of the federation.

Those who were following the dialogue live were treated to a case-study of how constructive the political process can be if we were represented by people who mean well and have done sufficient homework.

Below is the transcript of the tweets and retweets between Tengku Razaleigh and Lim Kit Siang, which started at about 4pm.



limkitsiang: Oil royalty – Najib is Razak’s son or Mahathir’s heir?


razaleigh: My fellow dinosaur w/ a memory of a better day RT @limkitsiang: Najib: Razak’s son or Mahathir’s heir?

limkitsiang: @razaleigh shld not have 2depend solely on memory Shld have documents somewhere Petronas etc though mayb OSA Must wait 4regime change 1st?


razaleigh: Why don't I put the PDA up on my blog, YB RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh shld not have 2depend solely on memory 

limkitsiang: @razaleigh good idea but PDA makes no mention of "offshore". Aren't there some documents/records somewhere referring to it?

limkitsiang: @razaleigh Stand corrected. No ref of "offshore" 4states in PDA. Good idea if Petronas founder sets up site 4all relevant documents on issue


razaleigh: @limkitsiang inclusion of offshore is implicit in PDA. Otherwise we cdnt hv solved d issue of S'wak oil w/ Rahman Ya'akub.


razaleigh: @limkitsiang if offshore not incl, insane 4 d states 2 hv signed deeds w/ me vesting all their petroleum w/ Petronas forever

razaleigh: @limkitsiang w/o PDA oil onshore & in state waters belongs 100% 2 state. They signd dat away in exch4 5% of oil found ANYwhere

limkitsiang: @razaleigh This is why fed.govt tries to decouple Sarawak/Sabah from peninsular n why such efforts shld be debunked. 

limkitsiang: @razaleigh Cogent powerful arguments Lets turn royal debate Parliament March into major debate on oil royalty opened by Petronas founder


razaleigh: @limkitsiang Yes as in kalimah Allah issue. We worked hard to form d Federation & keep it intact

limkitsiang: @razaleigh kalimah Allah controversy would not have arisen if Tunku Abdul Rahman's Inter-Religious Organisation not scrapped by Mahathir 

razaleigh: The questn is unavoidable RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh Lets turn royal debate Parl March into major debate on oil royalty

razaleigh: YB, what a long memory. u must be older than me RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh Tunku Abdul Rahman's Inter-Religious Organisation...

razaleigh: @limkitsiang as I have said Tunku's legacy & memory have been systematically erased. Time to revive it. 

limkitsiang: @razaleigh older in political age but u r still the elder YBM

limkitsiang: @razaleigh All Malaysians of goodwill support genuine efforts 2revive Tunku's legacy and memory which must not smack of tokenism

razaleigh: YES RT @limkitsiang: @razaleigh All Malaysians of goodwill support genuine efforts 2revive Tunku's legacy and tokenism

razaleigh: @limkitsiang wd u say key elements r constitutionalism, federalism, pluralism, fairness n integrity

limkitsiang: @razaleigh country must return 2basics of Merdeka Constitution with good governance Annul Emergency Proclamations Abolish draconianh laws

razaleigh: @limkitsiang Agreed. This is beyond politics. We need a movement to save this country. 

limkitsiang: @razaleigh Yes all patriots in the country and worldwide Malaysian Diaspora must come together to save Malaysia


razaleigh: @bongkersz perhaps u wd like to lead a campaign for 10%? :) I have long called for the % to be raised

razaleigh: I'm serious. Young people must rise to save Malaysia, restore Constitution RT @bongkersz: ;) I'll do my best.


razaleigh: @zurairi average age of M'sians is 24. This country belongs 2u. Get informed. Organize. Publicise. Act.

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we want it now |2010-02-24 11:03:06
TR, we want change now. We don't want just talking anymore.
You are either with us now or you stay where you are and not try to pretend and confuse the people.
Last Updated on Friday, 26 February 2010 19:07

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