Thursday, 29 July 2010 21:47 |
KUALA LUMPUR - A former terror suspect linked to the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militant group on Wednesday urged Malaysia to repeal a tough security law, saying detainees were subjected to mental torture.
In a rare public statement from an ex-detainee, Mat Sah Satray said the Internal Security Act (ISA) was used as a political tool to detain individuals without trial and said the 'draconian' act should be abolished.
Mr Mat Sah was held without charge under the ISA for eight years until his release last year over alleged links with the South-east Asian terror outfit and the group's spiritual leader, Indonesian radical cleric Abu Bakar Bashir.
'I was held in a small room and was interrogated with questions that were meant to incite anger, such as how many times do you have sex with your wife every day,' he said at the launch of a human rights report.
'The ISA can be used to detain anyone at any time without trial and we can't defend ourselves,' said Mr Mat Sah, who said he was made a 'sacrificial lamb' as the region stepped up anti-terrorism efforts after the September 11 attacks.
JI, which is linked with Al-Qaeda, is blamed for a string of major attacks in the region including the 2002 Bali bombings. -- ANN
1st August 2010 marks half a century of existence of the Internal Security Act. (ISA). Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) and Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) invite all concerned citizens to a candle-light vigil in conjunction with 50 years of ISA on 1st August 2010 at several locations all over Malaysia.