Got jiwa? |
Written by straits-mongrel |
Tuesday, 15 September 2009 00:46 |
Have a picture to share? Mai tunjuklah. That big slideshow you see in the homepage (Kampung) is your stage. You can help drive its content. Carilah celah-celah kampung, a quirky corner of your neighborhood, interesting faces, maybe an event you witnessed. It could have been taken from a camera-phone, kita tak kisah. All we ask is that you help bring us all closer by sharing the breadth and jiwa that is Malaysia. E-mail your shots to: pic-editor(at) It will help lots if you could also supply a simple caption either in Bahasa Malaysia or in English. Tak fasih tak 'pa. We will polish up the language. Kalau ada link ke website ataupun mana-mana jua photo account (Flickr, Picasaweb, Photoweb), hantarlah juga. All pictures used will be given due credits. Come show off. We'll get to learn from you too. |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 03:13 |