Written by straits-mongrel
Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:08 |
Joint Press Statement by eight (8) Civil Society Groups
The Coroner’s Inquest has failed in dispensing justice to Gunasegaran and his family.
WE, the undersigned organizations, are deeply appalled by the “Open Verdict” of the Coroner presiding at the inquest of R. Gunasegaran who died in police custody on July 16, 2009.
As many as three witnesses have testified at the inquest that Gunasegaran had been kicked and beaten by a police officer until he was unconscious, and the second autopsy has found a 28cm long, 8cm width and 5cm depth scar on his chest.
We cannot believe that such a heavy physical assault and the resultant severe scars on Gunasegaran were not given the due consideration as the most probable cause of death. The coroner’s open verdict is simply unconvincing! We strongly criticize the dismissal of eye-witnesses’ testimony. The coroner’s inquest has apparently failed in dispensing justice without fear or favour, to Gunasegaran and his family.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:27 |
Friday, 30 July 2010 07:05 |
There are harrowing sexual experiences women everywhere go through but not many get told. Victims of sexual harassment usually bury their misery deep within, and the screams for help that come from them are only on the inside. Because they stay silent, no one knows the torments they struggle to deal with by themselves. And so no one can help in the critical healing of a wounded heart.
FARIDA JIVAMALA IBRAHIM, a victim of sexual harassment down the years, had to deal with yet another sexual harasser a few months ago. For the first time, she writes openly about her experiences in the hope that other victims will know it is never their fault when they become the unwitting target of a sexual predator.
This is her story.
I HAD never met him before. He was there as a guest at our function. Because of the pelting rain, we had delayed starting on time out of consideration for latecomers.
I had not heard him the first time he spoke those demeaning words, I was later told. So he had said them again, this time loud enough for me and the others around him to hear: “Farida, if you don’t start the movie promptly, I am going to strip you naked.”
Even the years of being a victim of harassment had not prepared me for this. Never before had I been confronted so publicly. His was a full frontal attack and without doubt he intended to hit, to hurt and to humiliate.
Yet I was able to say, just as loudly, "If you are going to talk like this, I’m going to send you out of this place. We do not entertain that kind of talk here."
Written by straits-mongrel
Saturday, 21 August 2010 07:54 |
1. Kami berasa marah terhadap kenyataan rasis yang disyaki telah dikeluarkan oleh Pengetua Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra di Kulai, Johor.
2. Kami terperanjat dan kesal bahawa kenyataan penuh bisa seperti itu, telah keluar dari mulut seorang pendidik yang digalaskan tanggungjawab untuk membentuk perwatakan serta peribadi Anak–Anak Bangsa Malaysia. Apa yang lebih menyedihkan adalah kenyataan tersebut dibuat oleh Pengetua bagi sebuah sekolah yang menggunakan nama Bapa Malaysia!
3. Kami berasa sedih bahawa kenyataan tersebut, jika terbukti benar, bercanggah dengan prinsip-prinsip Rukunegara yang telah di lafazkan oleh generasi demi generasi pelajar sekolah sejak 40 tahun dahulu.
Last Updated on Saturday, 21 August 2010 08:23 |
Written by A Worried Student
Wednesday, 28 July 2010 00:00 |
1st August 2010 marks half a century of existence of the Internal Security Act. (ISA). Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) and Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) invite all concerned citizens to a candle light vigil in conjunction with 50 years of ISA on 1st August 2010 at several locations all over Malaysia.
Picture by Danny Lim
Beberapa minggu yang lepas, pada suatu tengah hari yang sejuk, kelabu dan basah, aku mengikuti protes anti-ISA di Trafalgar Square, London yang telah dianjurkan oleh Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA-UK. Kurang dari 25 orang yang hadir, tetapi nombor yang sedikit ditebus dengan hati-hati yang tegar dan berapi-api. Mereka sengaja memilih lokasi demonstrasi di hadapan bangunan “Tourism Malaysia,” mungkin untuk mempromosikan Malaysia sebagai Negara yang patut menjadi tempat tuju aktivis-aktivis Britain kerana rekod hak asasinya yang cukup menarik. Dan tidak, Raja Petra tak ada pada masa itu. Cukuplah dia disumbatkan dalam Kamunting dahulu, berilah dia peluang untuk duduk di rumah.
Dengan berbekalkan beberapa poster, banner, sebuah alat pembesar suara, gitar, 'flyers' dan jiwa-jiwa yang penuh semangat, mereka memulakan protes mereka di tempat yang telah sedia dipagarkan di Trafalgar Square. Dengan itu, mereka pun bermulalah. Laungan “Stop the ISA!” dan “Stop human rights abuses in Malaysia!” kedengaran terngiang-ngiang di udara. Ramai yang lalu-lalang di kawasan protes tersebut, sesetengah dengan mata penuh curiga dan sesetengah lagi mengejar waktu yang tiada kompromi.
Kemudian acara diteruskan dengan seorang hadirin memetik gitar akustiknya dan menyanyi lagu-lagu protes ala Bob Dylan dengan tajuk-tajuk seperti “Kami Takkan Diam” dan “I Didn’t Speak Up”. Pening kepala omputih mendengar lagu yang dinyanyikan dalam bahasa melayu. Eh, maaf, bahasa Malaysia. Tetapi tetap ada antara mereka yang lalu-lalang mengangkat ibu jari mereka dengan tinggi, tanda sokongan terhadap perjuangan kami.