Monday, 20 January 2025


(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... be created separately from AG whose main function should be the Government’s legal counsel. The MACC’s Chief should be appointed through a multipartisan parliamentary select committee to ensure its independence ...
Thursday, 07 September 2023
22. Perwakilan berkadar demi Melayu
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... pergabungan politik antara kaum. Kedua, menjamin dominasi orang Melayu. Penulisan kali ini ingin merenung asas kedua-dua berkenaan. Nama sistem FPTP datang daripada perlumbaan kuda, kerana kuda yang ...
Friday, 18 August 2023
23. PRN 2023: SELANGOR Part 2
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... solid block for PR and PH, urbanization level indicates variation of such support. Referring to Figure 1, rural Chinese area (a small count) do indicate higher level of support for Barisan Nasional (BN). ...
Wednesday, 09 August 2023
24. PRN 2023: SELANGOR Part 1
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... Barisan Nasional (BN) won the seat by 20 votes). GE15 witness dramatic turn of events where PH + Muda would have won by 41 out 56 seats (below two-thirds majority) in the Ordinary Voter Category. Perikatan ...
Tuesday, 08 August 2023
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... ialah komitmen untuk tidak memanipulasi pengundi-pengundi dengan mempergunakan ketakutan dan kerisauan mereka untuk meraih undi. Malangnya, ini sedang dilakukan oleh kedua-dua gabungan parti politik utama. ...
Monday, 31 July 2023
26. MUDA: Perspective from GE15 Data
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... to Pakatan Harapan, which was defeated badly in that elections. Having said that, its inability to woo in new voting banks for PH raises the issue of misalignment between PH and MUDA.   GE15   Due ...
Thursday, 20 July 2023
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... independent office of the Public Prosecutor should be created separately from AG whose main function should be the Government’s legal counsel. The MACC's Chief should be appointed through a multipartisan ...
Sunday, 16 July 2023
... What are the real obstacles for those policy research organisations that are serious about conducting research and trying to uncover the truth informing the public about the corruption network and its ...
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
29. GPPK - Stop the politics of Hate!
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
Gabungan Patriotisme dan Perpaduan Kebangsaan (GPPK) Launched   Amid heightened politicking ahead of the six state elections, more than 60 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and individuals have ...
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
... and demand of all out-going state governments this basic respect of democracy. If misconducts are tolerated due to partisan bias, then all parties would race to the bottom in bending rules to win elections ...
Tuesday, 27 June 2023
31. Tanda kematangan politik
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... lawan parti ini. Bila Pas berpakat dengan DAP dalam Barisan Alternatif dan Pakatan Rakyat, Pas membela DAP daripada serangan UMNO, dan DAP juga membela Pas daripada serangan MCA. Yang membela DAP ...
Sunday, 04 June 2023
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... insinerator, loji nuklear dan lain-lain. Hentikan penambakan laut,  penebangan hutan, projek-projek di kawasan sensitif alam sekitar,  pembangunan di lereng bukit. 3. Hentikan pengimportan sisa yang ...
Monday, 01 May 2023
33. Tukar kerajaan tak seperti tukar baju!
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... itu bukanlah untuk disalahgunakan sehingga mewujudkan ketidakstabilan dan ketidaktentuan. Jika kita tukar kerajaan setiap enam bulan, siapa akan melabur di negara kita? Pelabur Malaysia juga akan melarikan ...
Friday, 28 April 2023
34. Kalau 35% untuk Borneo,.....
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... membina Menara Kembar Petronas atau Lebuhraya PLUS versi Borneo, penyelesaiannya ialah pemencaran kuasa atau desentralisasi. Kalau tujuannya untuk benar-benar dapatkan kuasa veto, penyelesaiannya ...
Sunday, 23 April 2023
... by researcher Fikri Fisal, shows that at least 25 politicians were appointed as directors in GLCs/Statutory Bodies during the PH administration (2018-2020). It is even worse under PN administration where ...
Monday, 20 March 2023
...  A week later, it was reported that a woman’s boyfriend allegedly abused and killed her six-year-old disabled daughter. Data from the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry between January ...
Wednesday, 15 March 2023
... the Minister of Law and Institutional Reforms and the Solicitor-General on the separation of Public Prosecution Office from AGC and the setting up of an independent law commission. Our Disappointments ...
Sunday, 05 March 2023
38. BERSIH - Negotiate New Law on CDF
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... The promise in the 2022 PH manifesto to give all MPs equitable CDF should be honoured in the spirit of Malaysia Madani. As most parties in this Parliament - PH, BN, GPS, Warisan on the Government ...
Sunday, 26 February 2023
39. Giving effect to a Malay translation.....
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... job requires a non-partisan approach and a process of wide consultation with constitutional and language experts. The translators must have knowledge of constitutional history and a deep understanding ...
Monday, 16 January 2023
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... our parliamentary governments be formed by individual parliamentarians or parties? This is perhaps the most important debate about our political system that we need at this stage of democratisation. ...
Monday, 02 January 2023
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