Wednesday, 22 January 2025


1. A Joint 2024 New Year Message
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
...  Utusan Tahun Baharu Bersama 2024 Pada tahun 2024, marilah kita memperkasakan institusi Raja Berperlembagaan, Demokrasi Berparlimen, Federalisme, dan Kedaulatan Undang-undang Tahun 2024 ...
Sunday, 31 December 2023
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... paling penting, seorang pendaya yang membina keupayaan rakyat biasa untuk memahami keadaan mereka dan memperkasakan mereka untuk memainkan peranan aktif dalam menjadikan kehidupan mereka lebih baik. Kami ...
Monday, 31 July 2023
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... dengan  memperkasakan kesatuan sekerja. Pembentukan kesatuan sekerja harus  diutamakan untuk menjamin hak dan kebajikan pekerja. Pihak majikan harus hentikan aktiviti menghancurkan kesatuan sekerja di ...
Monday, 01 May 2023
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... kebebasan dan hak rakyat harus dilindungi dan dipelihara. 3. HAK KESIHATAN KEPADA SEMUA Tingkatkan dan perkasakan hospital kerajaan. Berikan lebih dana untuk kekalkan perkhidmatan yang terbaik ...
Saturday, 01 May 2021
5. SUARAM 2011 Human Rights Report Launched
(Compass Points/Letters)
... and violent protests by far-right supporters from Perkasa, Suara Anak Anak Mamak Pulau Pinang, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Sejati Malaysia and other supporting NGOs in Penang. Among the demands made by these ...
Thursday, 30 August 2012
... Ini penting bagi memperkasakan rakyat yang miskin dan terpinggir untuk membolehkan mereka mengatasi belenggu pelbagai kelemahan dalam sistem sosial yang memerangkap mereka.   Dalam hal ini, kami dengan ...
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
... “diluted Islam” with PAS’s new “Benevolent State”. To that end, the NGOs Perkasa and JATI came handy. Against this political backdrop, I was all the more keen to expound on the concept of a Benevolent ...
Sunday, 10 June 2012
... connivance. Prior to Bersih 2.0 rally, 300 supporters from UMNO, Perkasa and unregistered NGO, Suara Anak Anak Mamak Pulau Pinang held a violent protest in George Town condemning both Pakatan Rakyat and ...
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
  We, the undersigned civil society organisations and members of the Seksualiti Merdeka (Sexuality Independence) coalition stronglycondemn the attacks on the annual festival by PERKASA, Hindu Sangam ...
Thursday, 03 November 2011
10. Debate with Mat Sabu, not prosecute him
(Compass Points/Letters)
... debate on the Bukit Kepong issue. Likewise, politicians, retired police and military personnel as well as groups like Perkasa can debate with Sabu or expose the flaws of his views in ...
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
... itself as oppressed by a government acting in bad faith will soon be laid bare to the world. Umno’s extremist supporters such as Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia persist in denying allegations of discrimination ...
Saturday, 13 August 2011
... meletakkan senjata, tetapi ISA masih ada sehingga sekarang. Malah ia telah diperkasa dengan memansuhkan “judicial review” melalui pindaan pada tahun 1989. Ini menjadikannya lebih zalim dan kontroversi. ...
Monday, 27 December 2010
13. 'Mengikuti jejak langkah Tunku'
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... ISA digunakan sekarang. Berkumpul secara aman menjadi rusuhan sebab ditentang oleh anasir kerajaan. Yang kita dengar diakhbar selalu menyalahkan perkumpulan ini. Semua lah perkumpulan haram. PERKASA kumpul ...
Thursday, 02 September 2010
... the mentality of the people which spurns racial politics. However, many of the politicians seem to be unaware and their mind sets are still far behind. “Perkasa”, “Chinese Perkasa” or “Perjasa”, all these ...
Thursday, 29 July 2010
... politically motivated action, given that the divisive NGO Perkasa, which espouses for the dominance of Malay rights, was given the licence to publish its mouthpiece Suara Perkasa without any impediment. ...
Thursday, 29 July 2010
16. Yes, MBPJ!
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... refuted the allegation made by Perkasa that Selangor and MBPJ has issued additional gambling premise licenses, saying only the federal government had the jurisdiction. “Such licenses are issued by ...
Thursday, 27 May 2010
17. Rethink aid to Chinese areas, says Perkasa
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
By Adib Zalkapli First published in The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, April 26 — Malay rights group Perkasa wants the Barisan Nasional (BN) government to review election pledges made in Chinese ...
Monday, 26 April 2010
18. Reading in colours
... Rahmat Harun... Man, this self-confessed sampah seni really rocks. He whispered, shouted, rattled, wheezed and whined. Oh, and he showed everyone how to go fly a kite. Just as the monoethnic Perkasa ...
Sunday, 31 January 2010
19. Exemplary V (sigh)
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
By Syed Jaymal Zahiid First published in The Malaysian Insider   SHAH ALAM, Jan 25 — Malay nationalist group Perkasa has said it is not afraid to play the race card in order to rally support for ...
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
20. Menangani kemiskinan bandar – satu paradigma baru
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... menjadi masyarakat bandar. Sehubungan dengan perkembangan ini, Umno bukan sahaja perlu terus memperkasa usaha memerangi kemiskinan di luar bandar tetapi juga perlu peka dengan masalah kemiskinan bandar. ...
Saturday, 28 November 2009
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