Monday, 10 February 2025


(Social Inclusion Act/In Focus)
... and nurture these precious souls becomes ever more pressing. No child, regardless of their circumstances, should endure the cruel brunt of injustice, deprivation, or violence. Every child, without exception, ...
Saturday, 30 December 2023
... political circus! We can and will transcend our primordial instincts, Rise above the social constructs, To focus on the real issues. - Poverty, Social Inclusion, Health, Education, Climate ...
Saturday, 23 September 2023
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... semakin hampir dan suhu politik yang semakin meningkat, ini adalah masa yang baik untuk menggariskan ciri-ciri utama budaya politik baharu yang cuba dipromosikan oleh PSM ini. Aspek yang pertama ...
Monday, 31 July 2023
... their own agendas. Corruption could therefore be seen as a political vicious circle that feeds back positively to maintain the existing power structure and patronage network. The questions remain: why ...
Monday, 15 May 2023
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... circumstances.” "Because people look different, they must be different, this noxious idea holds, and its grip has proven unshakable". And ...
Friday, 16 December 2022
... for this event, and click here ( to view the full circular on our website. Hybrid event. You may register to attend in-person or follow on our Facebook - Malaysian Bar or Bersih.  ...
Saturday, 07 May 2022
... workshop with the following aims: 1. To study and increase the level of awareness and understanding of hate speech and elements of hate in bullying within youth circles; 2. To develop youth ...
Thursday, 08 July 2021
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... as to utter such utter rubbish about how people should keep to their own “race”. Is it because ethnic Chinese are the majority in Singapore? Well, this video has circulated widely in Malaysia and elsewhere ...
Thursday, 17 June 2021
9. Is a National Unity Government Possible?
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
Is a National Unity Government Possible? Could this be Malaysia’s Best Solution? Murray Hunter There is a growing groundswell of talk in Kuala Lumpur business, civil service and political circles ...
Thursday, 03 June 2021
10. Silent Suffering....
(Social Inclusion Act/In Focus)
... the country are in the same boat – for this problem is not confined to Indian Malaysians. Thel ockdowns have made their precarious lives even more difficult. These dire circumstances affect their families’ ...
Thursday, 13 May 2021
11. No place for disruptive ethnocentric politics
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong (60:9)”. Thus, The Almighty ordained ...
Friday, 02 April 2021
12. Why Elderly Persons Are Being Abandoned In Malaysia
(Social Inclusion Act/In Focus)
... such as a decrease in an often guilt-ridden family value, filial piety. “Some adult children are forced to do so because of circumstances. Some because of poor parent-child relationships. Some elderly ...
Sunday, 28 March 2021
13. BERSIH - Proclamation Of False News Ordinance...
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... offers, publishes, prints, distributes, circulates or disseminates, offering, publishing, printing, distributing, circulating or disseminate any fake news or publication containing fake news may be subject ...
Saturday, 13 March 2021
14. The Right 2 Truth Forum
... knowing the full and complete truth as to the events that transpired, their specific circumstances, and who participated in them, including knowing the circumstances in which the violations took place, ...
Friday, 12 March 2021
15. Election Cost: Making Sense of the Figures
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... struck the country, the EC had to amend polling procedures to accommodate elections under these extraordinary circumstances. One of tangible changes was reduction of voters per polling stream and this ...
Thursday, 25 February 2021
... the ongoing Movement Control Order (MCO).   We would like the courts to declare if they have the power to review any attempt that circumvents constitutional provisions which require these instruments ...
Tuesday, 02 February 2021
... as defined in Article 2 of ICPPED that took place on 13 February 2017 at about 10:45 a.m." "The direct and circumstantial evidence in Pastor Raymond Koh's case proves, on a balance of probabilities, ...
Sunday, 31 January 2021
18. KLSCAH Launches Multilingual Portal....
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... – KLSCAH telah melalui tempoh 97 tahun dan akan  memasuki satu abad. Sebagai usaha dalam mempromosikan ciri-ciri kepelbagaian merentasi etnik, KLSCAH secara rasmi melancarkan laman web tiga bahasa pada ...
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
19. A Silver Lining...
(Social Inclusion Act/In Focus)
... and employment demand. Among the policies that are recommended: Enhanced training and lifelong learning that recognizes the specific circumstances of older workers, such as their relatively lower level ...
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
20. GBM: Stop Harassment against UMANY!
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... is not an offence, circulating such videos or photographs could affect the confidentiality of such investigations. We believe incidents like these showed why the Independent Police Complaints of Misconduct ...
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
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